Please help us welcome Brianna Bridgewater-Krumrei to her first Art on the Ave. Brianna is a student at SFCC pursuing an AFA in fine arts and aspires to be a concept and storyboard artist. Inspired by the truth of the dark, Brianna seeks to explore emotions, time, and sensuality. She works mostly in charcoal for its forgiving and workable qualities and believes that every mistake makes art more beautiful than perfection.
We are also happy to announce that Brianna is planning to conduct a charcoal demonstration at the event. Don’t missing your chance to see Brianna at work – attend art on the Ave on Saturday September 26th. The event is scheduled for 12-6 PM with live music continuing until 9 PM.
Art on the Ave – Saturday September 26th from noon to 6pm (Music until 9 pm)
East Sprague Avenue (Madelia to Napa), Spokane, WA 99202